The Alternative Pair!
Avocado & Orange
Cretan oranges are another well-known product of the Cretan land with exceptional nutritional qualities.
The special microclimate in the area of Chania, as well as the abundant water available from the Cretan White Mountains, contribute to the growth of juicy oranges, filled with Vitamin C and other nutrients.
Enjoy, It’s from Europe!
Oracando, is a three year campaign, funded by the EU that aims to promote European top quality oranges and avocados to the markets of Denmark and Netherlands.
The main objective of the campaign is to increase the competitiveness and consumption of E.U. agricultural products as well as to promote the European fresh fruits, namely oranges and avocados which have unique features in terms of quality, freshness and taste and are produced under the strict European standards.
The proposed action is submitted by the Producers Association (PA) of the Agricultural Cooperative of Chania, located in western Crete, Greece.